Since I’m just starting out my running hobby, I’d like to follow other bloggers and runners to get some inspiration. Here are some of my favourites. 1. The Fat Girls’ Guide to Running Quote from the blog: “I almost died on the way round, and not only due to the unusual strain on my body, but also from pure embarrassment when a young boy shouted “Run Fatty Run” as I passed him.” 2. Lazy Girl Running Quote from the blog: “I wanted to run. I wanted to be the person I saw on TV running down a beach carefree. It looked so easy. I could do that, right? A trip to the gym made me think otherwise. Running was HARD. Everything hurt. Everything felt wrong. I managed just two minutes of running before I had to stop. But many miles down the line running stopped being something difficult and started being enjoyable.” 3. Maria Runs – Running, baking, tea,...